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Engine Speed

829 Leftybar  1.8 years ago

If anyone knows, how do you limit the top speed of your ground vehicle, like the Jackhammer. If someone can please help me, I'd appreciate it, thank you

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    829 Leftybar

    nah Im on PC and I just figured it out. Thanks for the help

    1.8 years ago
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    1,607 XxRxX

    @Leftybar yes it needs overload but you can also modify the xml file of your aircraft build
    Are you on mobile?

    1.8 years ago
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    829 Leftybar

    @XxRxX @4planes Does this consist of using the overload mod or is it a line of code that i put into the variables? cause if it involves code then I'm probably going to need the line of code for that.

    1.8 years ago
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    3,097 4planes

    @XxRxX 300 Knots*

    1.8 years ago
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    1,607 XxRxX

    simplest way is to lower the maximum angular velocity or what ever it is called
    Its a xml variable for the wheels that are connected to an engine and i think the default value they have is 300
    I think it is in m/s

    *Tho I believe you can also come up with a funky code for the engines to kind of behave speed limited or even gearbox like (more complicated way)
    Never tried tho, simply throwing an idea here

    1.8 years ago