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Bringing back the A-4 Skyhawk Project.

4,847 OpenHere  1.7 years ago


In the past few weeks I have been going through most my old builds from a couple of years ago and thought hard enough to start a rework so to speak.


Enter the A-4G Skyhawk project that I left behind in June 2020 (around that time). It’s a an Australian iteration of the A-4F operated by the US Navy/ US Marine Corps. Based on the Royal Australian Navy’s only ship, they served in the air defense role from 1967 till the types were sold to the New Zealanders in 1991.

Douglas A-4 Skyhawks on HMAS Melbourne

Initial building took place around February and during that time, multiple iterations were made in its design and flight model. This was before the fuselage cutting update would show itself a little later in 2021.

improved flight model courtesy of edensk.

Side profile of the build

By that time I deleted my account and left to go do something important until I logged back in around March/April of 2022.
However I did continue playing the game somewhat during the hiatus.
And with thanks to Default4 and Kangy for doing what they could to salvage the build,and edensk for fixing the flight model issues.

The Plan Now

With the mastering of the wing technique and slicing in general, I started redoing parts in bits to ease the build process, rather than build it from the ground up.


New Wing being made


Gear doors in orange

New wing on the right as opposed to the old version.

New Tail and rudder

Features (in the process)

-Landing gear bay doors were added
-Proper airfoil was made for the wing
-Proper fuel tank shape
-Spoiler added
-New tail work done
-Proper tailplane with all moving trim
-Revised tail section
- and so on…


Cannot promise that.


I hope this time the build process will go smoothly and a better Skyhawk would reach the site.