How To Make Multiple Inputs, I Want Make An GPWS And It Has 5 Inputs I Use PullUpAndTerrain - SinkRate - Stall - Overspeed - BankAngle
(i use variables)
But It Doesn't work
Pull Up, Sink Rate, Terrain, Stall!, Bank Angle, Overspeed!!
3,114 TermineanIndustries
1.7 years ago
100. 50, 40, 30, 20. 10! RETARD! RETARD!
@4planes i try to change the name Same like In Light inputId And.. It Work!
@JosephStalin765544 i don't think using variables without any knowledge is good, try using snowflake's funky trees guide to do it all
@4planes i know It but Its just An variable name mistake The Variables Name
The Input In LightsG.P.W.S
I Was Changed It yesterdayFor the "stall" one use a light with this input:
IAS<(your airplane stall speed)&AltitudeAgl>5
@JosephStalin765544 I already say the overspeed one, put a light with input:
I Use Variables To Unite All Of These But The Input In The Lights WasG.P.W.S
In Variables ItsGPWS wait
ini mau gmn ceritanya?
@XxRxX Ya Gak Tau Kok Tanya Saya
translate: I don't know why ask me
Are this even recognized by the game?