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Hello, i am new to the game

24 EmmanuelDu11  1.7 years ago

i am new to the game, i dont speak english very good(i use google translate), i speak french.

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    3,067 4planes

    @XxRxX i think we submit the comment on the exactly same time...

    +2 1.7 years ago
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    3,067 4planes

    @EmmanuelDu11 build a plane, go to the 3 line thing, then press share aircraft (partager un avion in french), now name your aircraft, give a description, take some screenshot, and share it.

    +2 1.7 years ago
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    1,607 XxRxX

    @EmmanuelDu11 there is already tutorial in game on how to build
    I suggest that you read all of them before trying to make anything.
    They have a simple guide explaining basic game mechanics.

    It is in the first tab after you click on play
    It's called School in English
    There are 5 sections that guide you on how to build a simple plane, how to take off, fly and land and how to use weapons plus a simple explanation on game mechanics

    Take a look at them and if you had any more questions that was not answered by those guides i will try my best to answer them.

    +3 1.7 years ago
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    @XxRxX je sais pas si vous avez le traducteur a votre navigateur mais je viens de m'inscrire sur simple-planes cette après midi et je ne sais pas encore créer d'avion, si je pouvais avoir de l'aide, Merci

    @XxRxX I don't know if you have the translator in your browser but I just registered on simple-planes this afternoon and I don't know how to create a plane yet, if I could have some help, Thank you

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    1,607 XxRxX

    Hello new to the game
    If you have any questions or problems building stuff feel free to ask
    I will be happy to help you.

    +2 1.7 years ago
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    Bienvenue sur Simpleplanes..!!
    Nous espérons que vous apprécierez rejoindre cette communauté.

    +1 1.7 years ago