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SP update and my suggestion for the update

9,155 DogeToTheMoon  1.7 years ago

Okay, so we haven't had or received a single update for SimplePlanes in quite a long time now. The last time we had ever received an update for the android side on google play was back in 26th of March 2022, which was more than a year ago, consequently alot of SP players have been talking about the fact that we haven't received a single update nor bug fixe in a long time. However, we cannot force or complain about it to the developers. Therefore, we can only wait.

In meantime, I have suggestions or ideas for the game in the future that I think, it is worthy of.
In current time SP seems to have alot of glitches and bugs that tributes negatively toward the gaming experiences. As I could say in order to create a better gaming experiences for us, it matters to fix some bugs and glitches that is crucial for good gaming
The other suggestions I have is the release of additional parts that could help to contribute to the details and the gaming performance of us player.
The additional parts are, Steel Cable or Rope, Smoke generator, Sound Generator, and lastly Grille.

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    @11qazxc Basically being Iegal while doing illegal.

    1.7 years ago
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    6,568 11qazxc

    cannot complain

    you say while continuing to complain.

    alot of glitches and bugs

    Did someone report about it? Is it possible to fix without tearing engine apart?

    smoke generator



    Labels, it will always be more customizable than any grid.

    1.7 years ago