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I’m mad at SimplePlanes devs

1,288 Smarty  1.7 years ago

The reason why is because this user that goes by the name of @LoganP117 upvoted on a bunch of my creations and his account got banned that also happened to my brothers account they ban the accounts for like 1699 day I feel bad because @LoganP117 was just trying to be nice and upvote but instead because he’s a newer player he didn’t know you can get banned for upvoting on a users account to many time please unban him he did nothing wrong he was just trying to be nice and everyone if he gets unbanned show him some love like he showed me.

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    @Smarty I hope school gets better for you

    3 months ago
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    @Smarty ok

    one year ago
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    1,288 Smarty

    @LOGANP117aviation This summer that’s my goal but need to get back into the feels of building planes again

    one year ago
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    @Smarty well I hope you get to gold eventually

    one year ago
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    1,288 Smarty

    @LOGANP117aviation Look at that passed me up and many others nice job now you just have to push to 5k good luck and yea that’s on of the main reasons I stoped was because so many other people were quitting

    one year ago
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    @Smarty also I'm silver!

    one year ago
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    @Smarty thanks sp is a little different now what I mean by that is a lot of people I followed quit sp also it does not feel like it's been 7 months

    one year ago
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    1,288 Smarty

    @LOGANP117aviation aye my bad bro I’ve been off the game for a long time now wish I had more time have a PC and everything now but high school homework man is really a time waister glad to hear you got a new account but sucks that the one kid took all your time and effort and got all the credit hopefully this summer I can start posting some actual good stuff hope your doing good and got it all figured out

    one year ago
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    @Smarty please respond😭

    1.1 years ago
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    @Smarty I'm Loganp117 I had a lot of account problems then I made this account please respond

    1.2 years ago
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    14 Dogman1

    Also I got banned because someone posted exact copies of my planes and gave me no credit for it and when I called him out I got banned and I can't find his profile

    1.3 years ago
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    14 Dogman1

    This is my new account it took me forever to get this one and Im still having problems with posting my planes

    1.3 years ago
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    Idfk tbh

    1.7 years ago
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    1,607 XxRxX

    @ZeroWithSlashedO IP tracking?
    Don't they do that?
    I know on reddit they ban you like that so even your alt accounts can't interact with websites much

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    1,607 XxRxX

    You are mad at Devs?
    Do you think you have it in you to take on the wrath of the Gods?
    Yeah chill there is upvote cool down you can't spam that
    Even if you do it's not like upvotes have any value other than making you some dopamine
    Devs don't interact with the website like that mods do
    If you know which mod banned him maybe you can ask them the reason
    I don't think i ever got banned I'm not familiar with the process

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    it's not anyone's fault really
    you can't really tell if one's an alt or not unless you see and compare how they speak and all that
    the automod (presumably) is just doing what they tell them to do and the person making them doesn't really have another good alternative to prevent exploitations of alt accounts effectively

    also pretty sure the devs have nothing to do with this

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    1,288 Smarty

    @TheFlightGuySP I don’t know how old he is but I think the website thinks he’s an alt account and he upvoted on all my creations so that like maybe 36 things

    1.7 years ago
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    You can't get banned for upvoting someone's stuff (unless you're using an alt account to upvote your own stuff). That's one of the most vital features of the website.

    If the user you're referring to was below the age of 13 or broke other website rules then that is the exact cause of them being banned, and nothing else.

    Also, the devs likely had nothing to do with this. The moderators handle most of these issues I believe.

    +5 1.7 years ago