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Snowstone Gazette (04 Jun 2023)

8,684 SamuelJamesCastor  11 months ago



In what was considered shocking news for the arts community of Snowstone, a statue depicting a girl throwing a ball got stolen from its place at the Snowstone Institute of Fine Arts.

SNC rushed to the scene after a 999 call was made. The caller witnessed a group of men yelling insults, which were allegedly due to the incompetence of the crane operators.

If you have information about the whereabouts of the statue, you can contact the SNC Confidential Hotline at +7669 2663 4336. A reward of 5 million Snotones will be given to the person who can point that out.


The small city of Snowstone became an unexpected hub of revelry and laughter as the crew of the USS Tiny, known for their dedication and resilience, found themselves in a rather tipsy situation during an impromptu shore leave.

On what was supposed to be a routine visit to Snowstone, the crew transformed the tranquil city into a lively scene resembling Mardi Gras. Locals were left wide-eyed as sailors, clad in their distinctive navy attire, stumbled out of taverns and spilled onto the streets in raucous celebration.

Eyewitnesses reported that the crew members, who are accustomed to navigating treacherous seas, seemed to have difficulty navigating the town's sidewalks after indulging in copious amounts of local beverages. One bemused onlooker described the scene as "a parade of wobbly sailors attempting to march in a straight line but failing spectacularly."

The jolly escapades of the inebriated sailors didn't go unnoticed by the residents, who embraced the unexpected turn of events with open arms. The city's bars and pubs experienced an unprecedented surge in business as patrons reveled alongside the sailors, swapping stories and sharing rounds of drinks.

Local bar owner, Jack O'Leary, was overjoyed by the influx of customers. "It's not every day we get a naval fleet landing on our doorstep, let alone one that's ready to party!" he exclaimed, a wide grin stretching across his face. "I hope the crew remembers their visit here as fondly as we will!"

The festivities reached their peak when the sailors took to the streets, attempting to showcase their dancing skills. Spectators were treated to an array of impromptu performances, ranging from passionate renditions of sea shanties to daring renditions of sailor-themed breakdancing.

Word of the crew's escapades quickly spread through social media, with hashtags such as #SailorShenanigans and #SloshedSailors gaining momentum. The city's official Twitter account playfully tweeted, "Snowstone: where sailors come to get their sea legs on land!"

As news of the rowdy sailors reached naval authorities, Admiral Angus McHaggerty issued a good-humored statement, acknowledging the crew's spontaneous celebration. "Our sailors are well-trained professionals, but occasionally, they need to let loose and blow off some steam. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate the warm welcome from the people of Snowstone."

While the crew's boozy escapade may have caused some headaches for the ship's commanding officers, it left an indelible mark on Snowstone. The town's residents will long remember the day when their peaceful streets transformed into a scene straight out of a sailor's tale, reminding us all that even the mightiest warriors sometimes need to unwind with a hearty drink and a dash of merry mischief.


Current Conditions:

Temperature: 22°C
Wind: 8 km/h from the northwest


Expect a sunny day with scattered clouds. Temperature will reach a high of 26°C in the afternoon. Enjoy the pleasant weather!

Looking Ahead:

Similar conditions are expected tomorrow, with temperatures ranging from 21°C to 24°C. Later in the week, a low-pressure system may bring light showers and slightly cooler temperatures.