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Snowstone Gazette (07 Jul 2023)

14.0k SamuelJamesCastor  1.7 years ago



To celebrate the fact that the Baller got considered by 45% of the residents as a symbol of Snowstone, the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports decided to make a petition to the Central Bank. The petition got 2 billion signatures in less than 24 hours.
Facilities of the Central Bank were looking for ways to speed up the manufacturing process when making coins, utilizing either increased manpower or using the latest technology.
The first coin and bill, the Sn1 and the Sn20 respectively, were showcased by the Chief Minister this lunchtime. The new banknotes and coins captured the eyes of the residents, who allegedly rushed in traffic to get a glimpse of the new stuff, resulting to minor incidents.


The nominees for the title of Chief Minister were on live TV as they debated if cereal is a soup. Here are the stances of the nominees regarding the topic.
1. Elizabetha Regismund (Snowstone Power) Yes
2. Joshua Centisimas (Independent) No
3. Irene Adlemas, Duchess of Sodserbridge (Independent) Yes
4. Cedric McSomberside (Forward Snowstone) Yes
5. Hans Schufferscheisse (Independent) No
6. Hestia Fitte (Independent) No


Go predict it yourself. Our radar got faulty again.

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    @LunarEclipseSP I was thinking of making the SDF since I think that the Snowstone National Constabulary gets really overwhelmed due to the SNC's dual role of being police and military at the same time.

    +2 1.7 years ago
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    This guy literally gives Snowstone a civilization.
    A Townsville on the Tundra Wasteland, supervised and monitored by Snowstone Defense Force based on the Ice Base, Avalanche (Arctic) Research Institute etc.
    My idea and suggestion: Snowstone Defense Force were based on Avalanche Airport (for Ground, Air, and Maritime branch), while the Ice Base and the Undermountain Docking Bay is the mountain monitoring base where it placed by Snowstone Air and Maritime Defense Force.
    According to your story-lore, underneath the Avalanche base, there is a military and research underground facility. It can be accessed via Hangar that by the story, there is an elevator platform that will bring you down into the facility

    +3 1.7 years ago
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    Honourable Mentions

    1.7 years ago