Ive heard of people saying you can use some tool to attach stuff that you wouldnt be able to attach, how/is this even possible, and on a second note: how the hell do I make a custom control surface have pitch control but also trim control and how do I make them pitch up/down with a activation group like people do with spoilers and such
@XxRxX thank you
Use fuselage of course and then u hide a normal wing part inside it
Fpr custom control surfaces you can use hinge and rotators and change their input
You can find all the inputs and extra stuff here on the website
Just search funky tree guide
If you set input of a hinge or rotator to Activate1 it will turn to maximum range when you hit activation group one, but if the activation group is not active it will turn the opposite direction
If you find it herd to figure out how to build this stuff you can just download a plane with this building style and take all the parts out and learn how they made it
As for how to connect stuff question you can connect almost any part to each other by using the option in game
It's a option with a chain icon i think (i play on pc)
Note: Im just a idiot and coulnt find it lol, so now lets see if my 2nd question is still a questiomn