Hey everyone
I’m curious as to weather it is possible to increase the performance of a propeller engine with the use of a button or ag groups, without using additional propulsion methods such as jet engines. For example, say I set the engines max horse power setting as 2000hp but when I apply full throttle the max HP it outputs is 1500, until a button or ag is activated, which then allows it to run at its full power rating. If this is possible could someone please assist me in the this. I’m hoping to add a feature like this to a plane I’m almost finished working on.
Thank you :)
@XxRxX thank you so much, very informative:)
Edit - just tested it and it works perfectly. Exactly how I wanted it to:)))
Yes i think it is possible
Here is the code to put as input (not 100% sur tho) :
This will add the throttle value which is any number from 0 to 1 on top of value of Activation group 1 which can be either 0 or 1.
Let's say you are ar 37% throttle and you activate the ag1 you then get 137% engine power.
The code is almost simple mathematics
*Now If you want too add only 25% power increase then use this:
This should add only 25% (or 1 from 4 part) of ag1 value (which is 1 at maximum) on top of whatever your current throttle is.