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Snowstone Gazette (10 Jul 2023)

11.6k SamuelJamesCastor  1.4 years ago


Assembly: No to Snowstone Defence Force

The Snowstone Assembly decided to abandon the proposal of forming the Snowstone Defence Force.
Citing increased costs, Gheorghus Dzhugashila (the Speaker of the Assembly) fears that its formation would lead to a budget that is too small for essential public projects.
Vanessa Ramirez (the Chief Minister), meanwhile, is talking with Commissioner Joseph Kai Yao Sip about what to do with the proposal.
"I'll think about whether Snowstone requires a force that can take the role of a standing army in order to relieve the police and make them [the SNC] focus on enforcing laws." –CM Vanessa Ramirez

Looters knocked down!

A group of looters have been spotted doing their activities in buildings that have been damaged due to a pretty bad storm.
SNC arrested 39 youths after an informant within the group informed the relevant authorities about the activity. The youths, armed with pipes, bats, and sticks, never hesitated to smack the officers. Some officers never hesitated to use their PAVA sprays to subdue them, even in bad weather.
Multiple incidents have occured in areas with most devastation. Telecom providers think that the lootings were organized through messaging apps, as they found a message that might have caused any looting incidents while the storm goes on.
"Everyone in bletcher everywhere in belstone up at gochacht station at 4 o clock sharp!!!!, Start leaving ur yards n linking up with your mates. screw the connies, bring your ballys and your bags trollys, cars vans, hammers the lot!!" –A message made by an "E Harrelsonn", which may be the cause of the looting.
The youths will be charged with looting by the Snowstone People's Court, and will face a fine and a prison sentence.

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    @SamuelJamesCastor ow, interesting...

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    @LunarEclipseSP They relied on their police as their defence power for around 300 years.

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    It seems like Snowstone would still on the Militia forces as their defense power

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    Honourable Mentions:

    1.4 years ago