As the war start to heat up, things are already in a mess. the WSR tries to put down the Jundroo Republic factions in Germany, Paris, London, and Ireland with the help of the SonsOfAchilles in from Greece, and the A.L.F. tracking down the members of the Seitwälder Republic, Anarchist Insurgency, Irish Special Forces. Meanwhile the WSR army, and the other factions stock up on weaponary, vehicles, and other equipment assist the countries in Asia and the middle east stock up and build giant fields, trenches, and other defenses. These giant fields of defense would be called the spears of hell. As they stock up, the Jundroo Republic has taken over Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, The Philippines, Taiwan, and Sri Lanka and try to push inland. As they invade they are also dealing with the Guardians Of Jundroo on Murphy Island, who had rebeled against The Jundroo Republic. With the help of the Tzvetkov, they do daily bombings, on the island, but the GOF continues to thrive and be a pain in the butt to the Jundroo Republic.
Slimetech,Alaska,large Bomb storage
SonsOfAchilles,Greece, provides advanced soldiers and heavy land,air,and sea vehicles
Australian Liberation Fighters (A.L.F), the Americas, multirole fighters and espionage
Guardians Of Jundroo (G.O.F.), Worldwide, advanced test labs and equipment
TheHardcoreFlyer, Edmonton Canada, bomber escort and bomber interception
Ambarveis,Indian Ocean, provider of recon drones and suicide aircraft
Gorobloso, London. UK, Apprentice engineer
JCF, North Island, USS Jundroo/Beast, with GOF, HUGE NAVY
King Flying Command, Antarctica, interceptors, strategic bombers, and penguins
SilverWolf Empire, Denver USA, Heavy lift, transport and trainer aircraft
Jundroo Republic:
Irish Special forces, Ireland? Missiles and land assault supplier
W4RD0GZ, Murphy Island, Handles and supports ground assault
Normatican Empire, Normatica colony,multiple roles
Astatika Empire, Vietnam, heavy ship provider
Seitwälder Republic, Germany, Strong air and main battle tanks
Tzvetkov, Murphy Island, mech engineer and pilots
Panculius, Philippines, strong air suport provider
Anarchist Insurgency, Area 51, Paris, London, Technologically advanced fighter aircraft and weapons
AlphaOneIndustries, Paris, France, invincible and invisible weapons and vehicles
Griffith, Murphy Island, plane fighter and manufacturer of bombers
South North American army, Murphy Airport, Nuke tech
ElGatoVolador, South and Central America, Lots of resources and labor, small amount of planes and land vehicles
Now since things are heating up, you may now make vehicles, weaponary, and other stuff for your side. You may also make missions for your side only. you can, form now on, talk about the events in each post, and chat with your factions mates. Anyone who wants to join can come on in and join the fight!
Joining the war:
Just post the name of your faction, who you side with (WSR or JR), Base location(s), and role or field in the war.
THE WORLD VS THE JUNDROO REPUBLIC: Landgrabs, blockades, and put downs
1,598 Astron1
9.0 years ago
K, that is fine with me.
@Thunderscreech well since in the latest post the WSR and JR are starting to attack each other, any other factions won't be able to join. Although you can be a civilian in the midst of the war atthat point.
I just read it and what did I do wrong?
@Thunderscreech have you seen the latest post?
Faction=King Flying Command.
WSR, Murphy/Yeager Airport, Fighter/Bomber manufacturer.
@Sniper16 @AlphaOneIndustries @Ambarveis @Wahoo12 @MrVaultech @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries @amazingperson124 @Griffith @Brields95 @ElGatoVolador @dsr1aviation @Sirstupid @rexinn @MrSilverWolf @LeoBrasi
We managed to successfully bomb 14 out of the 20 communication lines in Sri Lanka, Hopefully this might slow down their advancement towards India.
Talk to me WSR.
First encounter with Panculius' aircrafts were rather unpleasant, so far we have only identified 1 base of his forces, rumours lurk that he will be fighting for JR, so far we only know that he will be providing 'air support', we have managed to cut the supplies to one of his base, I hope that will be enough to slow his 'air support' for the JR
Talk to me WSR
You would be surprised how many people in Madagascar and Africa hate the idea of technologically advanced aircrafts monitoring over their head, we have bases all over the Indian ocean now, though most of them might ot even qualify as real bases, but our tactics will get to you.
Ambarveis' troops has taken over Sri Lanka's factory, further expanding her service zone, this will be our main suicide aircraft factory, we have gathered rebels from inside the JR itself, the Ambarveis Liberation Army has sent out a video to JR, "We are among you, looming in the darkness, we are around you, ready to strike, return the lands of the world and we will spare you"
I will not disclose our current objective/location, as the enemy might be spying on us. Talk to me WSR
@TommySchram13 Yeah I will update it if a new rank comes out
THE PLATINUM MAY NOT BE THE FIRST! Simpleplanes is only a year old and people has only gotten so far! There might be a diamond or something. Find out in the future we must. Nice story by the way
Germany is taken by the Seitwälder republic! Next up is Chechoslovakia, A huge air invasion of Britain, then a land and air attack on Poland, and an attack on France! All hail the wunderbar republic!
So far, the invasion on Italy is going fairly well, with us capturing a three mile area around Taranto. That's about all we've captured with the surprise attack, but the front was stopped by heavy resistance.
@Sniper16 Jundroo
@AlphaOneIndustries aye but you gotta tell your brother in war! XD
LET ME NOTE, our main HQ is DEEP under the earth's crust, plus it is surrounded by about 2 miles of the STRONGEST material on earth.
@Astron1 the other bases are simply told to make fake, crappy designs. They have no knowledge of the main base.
@Astron1 we have no info of our main base in our other HQ's. All you will find are fake prototypes. The AI is not stupid.
Well in this post are aware of your other bases, and can get info out of them to find the other vase in area 51
If you think about it, Anarchist Insurgency is protected by the U.S.A speaking that our base is in Area 51.. So like, GG...
Let me note my group are close with @AlphaOneIndustries, meaning I have some aircraft that were from him. Which he has some of my weapons. Plus we have hammers that block EVERY enemy radar and trackers. We aren't in a warehouse on the surface, we are hidden.