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Build Update [7/12/23]

1,180 Raptor77  1.6 years ago

Hello all!

I've been pretty busy the past month or so, but I do have a few updates on my aircraft.

I just have a few things to do before I upload my T-68, I just need to focus and do it lol.

I've started doing a bit of revamping of some of my T-62's FT code, changing the type of pitch/roll stabilization it uses so that the Sparrow can pull higher alphas without becoming unstable on the roll axis (originally the pitch stabilization was just Pitch-PitchRate, but with my T-68 and T-77 I started using a slightly better stabilization technique, using clamp(Pitch-clamp(PitchRate, -x, x), -1, 1) [same with the Roll axis stabilization]).

I actually had the T-62 basically complete before i built my T-77, and I just never changed the FT code when i published the Sparrow

I've also been experimenting with flaps that come down automatically during high alpha maneuvers (which you can see in the picture above. I've noticed it helps slightly with turn performance). Right now it's just a variable that activates the flaps when the aircraft's angle of attack is greater than 27, and so now I just have to figure out how to do a check to see if the aircraft's IAS>x (I'll figure the speed out later). I'm still figuring out how to do a check within the variable code, but I'm slowly figuring it out lol.

Anyways, hopefully I'll be less busy in the coming weeks, and can actually get to uploading my T-68.
