Inspired by General360's challenge, I wanted to make a battleship challenge
Those of you who know me know that I like Germany, especially their WWII designs
So, I want you to make a German Warship!
The rules are simple:
1. Make a ship from Germany
2. I dont want to see a Bismarck or Tirpitz, they are common and will be unfair in the judging process
3. Build either a Battleship, Aircraft Carrier, Submarine, or Cruiser- there are quite a few rather interesting cruisers (for example, the Hindenburg ship, the Admiral Hipper, Prince Eugen)
4. 1 entry per person, but if you mess up you can replace your old version- just stick with the same ship
5. Leave a link in the comments
6. Deadline: February 12
7. On/After Feb. 12 there will be another forum post for judging- I will vote but it will not be worth more than anyone else's vote
8. Please don't make a U-boat/submarine unless you are on mobile
9. The reward for 1st is 10 upvotes for your harte arbeit, 2nd is 5 upvotes for your wunderbar warship, and 3rd is 3 upvotes for your Superschiff!
@MediocrePlanes thats alright, dont worry about it
My ship was kinda abandoned in progress...
@Homersdonut @MediocrePlanes @amazingperson124 @MrSilverWolf @DeezDucks @dsr1aviation @TheOwlAce (?)
Time is up, (actually a little past up) and all of you need to submit your ships
@TheOwlAce Im afraid not.
@Wahoo12 Err, I dont think we had ever had german flying warships.
@TheOwlAce they need to be historical, but I dont see why not for using ships in your list.
@Wahoo12 Can I use ships that are in my list? And what about flying battleships?
@amazingperson124 the Admiral was a hipster, we never said anything about the ship...
I have decided that Admiral Hipper is hipper than any other ship, except maybe all ships in the IJN. Or the US Navy. Or the Royal Navy. Or every other navy in WWII. Whatever.
@Homersdonut @MediocrePlanes @amazingperson124 @MrSilverWolf @DeezDucks @dsr1aviation (if you want to try something that wont lag)
Just a reminder, 12 days until the deadline!!!
I'm in
Lol @Wahoo12
@XVIindustries No, but I watched Admiral Hipster!
lol the admiral hipper, guessing you watched mingles with jingles
@swat132 if you have a computer I'd rather you make a ship
@MediocrePlanes yeah
Can I join?
I'll look for some interesting ships to make.
@dsr1aviation You CAN build a submarine if you want but it should go up and down if possible
@MrSilverWolf Good point, I forgot that Germany designed an aircraft carrier
On second thought maybe not :( im no good at building ships lol
Just battleships and batte cruisers? Or can I make an aircraft carrier?
I might give it a go.
I might give it a go. Always up for a challenge :)
Eh I ill when I have time. Might make a Ebling