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The Final Ultimatum

6,098 ConstipatedWhale  1.6 years ago

We, the united force of OFAAC (Official Federation's Air Army Corp), issue this stern warning to address the gravely concerning actions perpetrated by the entity known as "Snowstone." This is not the first instance of Snowstone violating borders and conducting illegal interceptions of our defenders within OFAAC's territorial boundaries and international waters. These actions have gone beyond the limits of tolerance, and we will not stand idly by while our sovereignty is threatened.

Let it be known that our patience has reached its limits, and any continuation of such unlawful acts will be met with swift and decisive consequences. The repercussions will not only be political and diplomatic but could escalate to a state of open conflict.

We extend this final opportunity to Snowstone to immediately halt all hostile maneuvers and withdraw from OFAAC's sovereign territories. Failure to comply will leave us with no choice but to declare a state of war, rallying our allies and resources to protect our people and uphold the principles we hold dear.

OFAAC remains committed to peaceful resolutions to conflicts, but this commitment should not be misconstrued as weakness. We possess the determination and the strength to defend our homeland and our people from any threat, foreign or domestic.

To Snowstone, we caution that the future of our region hinges on the choices made in the coming days. Should you choose to persist in your aggressive actions, you will find us prepared and resolute in our response. We will not hesitate to use all means at our disposal to safeguard our freedoms and the security of our citizens.

In closing, we earnestly hope that Snowstone will reconsider its path of aggression and choose the path of diplomacy and respect for international law. It is not too late to prevent the dire consequences that lie ahead. The decision is yours to make, and the consequences will be yours to bear.

Respond accordingly Snowstone.

  • OFAAC.
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    @ShinyGemsBro Sheesh, your troops don't mess about huh? I'm just trying to make this a high tension cold wat kind of thing. Gives reason for me to publish new vehicles. 😅

    1.6 years ago
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    1.6 years ago
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    51.9k ShinyGemsBro

    TFM Central Command would've already sent two carrier battle groups miles off Snowstone waters and a few Global Air Combat squadrons circling over the island if it was them lol
    In my world though, the place is an arctic base occupied by them with it's elite stealth fleet of aircraft calling Avalanche and Ice Base their home

    1.6 years ago
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    @ThatRandomCouchPotato an update in my fictional story line. i do plan on having a heli build off challange. but, nothing set in stone.

    1.6 years ago
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    Is this going to be a war challenge, or is it just an update?

    1.6 years ago