I made several jet airplanes which had front canard like eurofighter.
Everytime i fly them, it takes off nicely, then goes into an endless inverted loop, no matter where i put the center of gravity or the center of lift.
Does anybody know how to fix this, or is this just a bug? Thanks
@AR No problem, Glad I could help!
@Wahoo12 yes you are correct. It seems the small sized aircraft and an overwhelming lift from the canard makes it uncontrollable. I enlargened my aircraft and now all of them flies like unicorns, except for some sharp turns they suddenly goes back to their old habit.
Thread solved, thanks guys
@AR I dont know, but maybe extending the fuselage further or increasing the distance between the wing and canard. I built a canard today and it flew beautifully.
@DeezDucks my aircraft (EF-2000) is much smaller than your awesome gripen (upvoted of course :)), is that what makes mine fly erratic?
@Wahoo12, i'm creating a replica and it can't have dihedral wing, and the smaller canard can't pull the CoL line up..
Do you guys think that small size makes it fly uncontrollably? Compared to the DeezDucks's Cinnamon Tiger, mine is only 3/4th the size of his.
@AR try changing the wimg diahedral so that the CoL is lined up horizontally in the profile view with the CoM. If that doesnt work try to line up the CoT too.
@AR Yup check out my Cinnamon Tiger and some others
Yes my aircraft has delta wings. It seems that delta wing and front canard (no rear horizontal stabilizer) configuration is very unbalanced. When i move the canard back, it flies just fine, then back in the front and it's uncontrollable again. I tried using every profile in the wings.
@DeezDucks, does your aircraft only has delta wing and front canard without rear horizontal stabilizer?
The pitch is sometimes swapped for the 2 control surfaces too so play around with that.
I'm making a canard ATM no probs
I have noticed that some of my delta wing planes are very hard to balance right so it could be that, dont know for sure though
Which profiles are you using on the two wings? Also if you're using delta wings, they can be kinda funny regardless of whether you have canards or not because the chord length is so long