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Snowstone Gazette (04 Aug 2023)

14.0k SamuelJamesCastor  1.7 years ago


MECS brawls after being asked about Baller

Teachers from the Language Department and the Social Studies Department had a brawl to decide what is the sound a ball thrown by Her Excellency the Baller would make.
The stance of the Language Department is that the tall would have a "poink" sound since that's a sound a ball would normally make when it bounces. The Cultural Department's stance? Well, since they said that the ball wasn't just an ordinary ball because it has chaotic power in it, it would be "ka-bonk". Unsuccessful verbal warnings have ben given, to the point where even the minister would join the fighting. When the officers came, they estimated a total of Sn260,000,000,000,000 in damages and 500 injuries.

Farmer finds SNC's first issued weapon

Jonasson Techownee was digging something in his farm when he spotted a big rod interfering with his operations.
When he pulled the rod out and cleaned it, some markings indicating its history had showed up. It's a truncheon belonging to the SNC, issued to a certain Cst Chenosser Nickwald on the 1st of January 1723.
Cst Nickwald was one of the officers of the newly created constabulary, with Theophania Cosworth as its first commissioner. The wooden truncheon has silver designs, and it is covered by a wrapped piece of cloth so that it will cause minor injuries.
You can see the truncheon in its new home at the Museum of the Constabulary after it has been restored by specialists.


The weather is cloudy, with minimum temperatures of 18°C and maximum temperatures of 28°C. Tomorrow, expect light to moderate rains with temperatures reaching 10°C.

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    41.4k Phox

    bro stop talking about baller 🏐🏐🏐🏓🥎

    1.7 years ago
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    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes Sadly though, the Science Department had a field trip that time. Pretty sure this was the reason why the MECS had a huge amount in damages.

    1.7 years ago
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    No, it should be the Physics Department arguing about this!

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    More Honourable Mentions

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    Honourable Mentions

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