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Koro Systems A-25 Harpy Attack Plane

1,204 KOROaviation  1.6 years ago


Hello, [REDACTED], my old friends.

Below are attached photos from the maiden flight of the A-25 yesterday.
Please view them below.

archer1 archer2 archer3

A-25 "Harpy" is a large turboprop attack plane developed for close air support, patrols, excellence in locations including Borders, coastguard and light attack missions.

The Twin seating configured in stepped tandem provides great visibility for both the Pilot and copilot.
Along with this, the Harpy flies very smoothly according to test pilots commander Ben "spanks" Dover and lieutenant Joe "ur" Mama thanks to the implementation of a Fly-by-Wire system and lightweight materials developed at KS.

If there shall be any Companies and Or Corporations that take interest in the development of this project, KS Board of Directors requests engineers to help Conduct fine tuning as our most "enlightened minds" must continue on other requirements.
On another note - it seems the "triangle" is giving the Reagents up at Edwards some..."radiation exposure anomalies" rendering them unfit for work, of course. I suppose the board will save a pretty penny with all the surveillance measures that the corp no longer has to pay for.

talk soon - [REDACTED]