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Build Update [8/11/23]

1,180 Raptor77  1.5 years ago

Hello everyone! I have a few projects that are close to being done (mostly done while ignoring my T-68, lol).

First off, another plane:

This is my T-29 (definitely didn't take any inspiration from a real fighter jet). It's a twin engine fighter jet, meant to do mostly escort and some strike missions. It's ok at dogfighting, but definitely not as good as my T-62. It has 3 pylons under each wing, and one centerline pylon.

I'm currently experimenting with a pylon ejection system, where you select which pylons you would like to eject (each button represents the corresponding pylon), and then flip the middle switch to eject whatever is on the selected pylons.

The way it works is fairly simple. Each pylon needs two inputs to activate. Each pylon has one unique input, and one input that's shared with all the other pylons. The buttons activate the unique input, and the middle switch activates the shared input. (E.x: the centerline pylon has it's activation group set as c1 & J. c1 is activated by the middle button, and J is activated by the switch. Just pushing the centerline pylon button won't do anything [since that only activates half of the needed inputs], you need to flip the switch to eject the centerline pylon [because having the centerline button pushed and and switch flipped activates both input requirements for the pylon].)

The lights above each pylon button is to show if the pylon has anything on it (currently it just checks to see if ammo for a certain weapon is greater than some value; if so, it turns on. If not, it turns off. Really the simplest way to do it.).

I need to do some work on the flight model, cockpit, and do some tweaks in general. I'll post an update at some point.

My other project is the M-2, which is a 6 wheeled APC. It probably has the most small details of any of my builds, lol.

It has an 2-way stabilized, auto aiming gun, which is pretty cool.

The gun stabilizer is at the base, and can stabilize the gun up to ten degrees from the main body of the APC, which is helpful for shooting on a slope or while accelerating.

I'm going to be a bit less busy as school starts (kinda ironic), so maybe I'll have more time to work on these (and other new) projects.
