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Stalemate in the Strait!

169 MLAero  1.6 years ago

Maywar Standard

Stalemate in the Strait!

15th May 1962

The Supreme Court of District 41, Snowstone, has ruled any aggression towards its merchant ships will be interpreted as an escalation.

This is key as so far, Snowstone has been a rather withdrawn member of the ongoing conflict, only conducting defensive operations within Maywari territory.
However, it has been a staple supplier of Maywari needs and has such provided many different types of munitions, aircraft, tanks, and electronic systems just to name a few.

Due to this declaration by the Supreme Court, the Treaty Nations have requested a temporary ceasefire.
Independent reports however speculate that they may have called for a ceasefire simply to accelerate nuclear weapons procurement, in violation of CRNC code 12.

Only time will tell what happens next...