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Projects Sitrep 08/13/2023

96.9k ReinMcDeer  1.5 years ago

Weapons Balancing Database Version 2.5.4

The Weapons Balancing Database (WBD) has been updated with a rework to all air-to-air missiles. maxVelocityAngleAdjustmentRate is now based off of the max G load of the missile and maxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate is estimated based on the missile's flight control system (fins, thrust vectoring, etc.). I also found a handy spreadsheet with a bunch of stats for the missiles in War Thunder. Obviously, I'm looking at it with a lot of skepticism, but it provides a general idea of what some values should be, maxForwardThrust, in particular.

Consequently, BVR missiles have become much harder to dodge without countermeasures, especially the AIM-120 AMRAAM, which DCS forums speculate has a max G load of 35. In a head on, the most reliable tactic for dodging is to descend and gain speed, at least 1100 km/h. Then, bank slightly left or right. When the missile is about to reach you (and it will sooner than you think), jink the opposite direction while descending to conserve some speed. Timed correctly, the missile will merge when you turn about 90 degrees away and hopefully miss.

In general, what you want to do is maximize the amount of correction the missile needs to make in order to hit you by maximizing the change in your velocity vector. That being said, it is still quite difficult, but that is how I wanted it to be. And obviously, it is much better to use chaff or terrain to your advantage.

The F-15C was released with WBD V2.5.4 and the F-16C has been updated to use it as well. The MiG-29A, F-104C, and F-4S will be updated with some time.

Mudhen / F-15E Strike Eagle

I have actually tried to convert my F-15's into Strike Eagles in the past, but never had the motivation to finish them.

"Wait, that's not a boom"

There's a bit more speculation than usual here because the F-15C blueprints I have don't perfectly align with my F-15E blueprints, but I think I captured the general look.

The CFT's add extra fuel, adding ~13 minutes to the internal load. To deal with the extra weight and drag, it is fitted with more powerful F100-PW-229 engines. I also added the AN/AAQ-13 Navigation Pod and an AN/AAQ-28(V) LITENING.

Without any weapons, it is currently 463 parts.

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    373 AC13OJ

    T for the Strike Eagle

    1.5 years ago
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    96.9k ReinMcDeer

    @Th3Missil3 The warhead for A2A missiles has been 0.25 to prevent aircraft from completely dissappearing when getting hit (although they still do sometimes). It does also add the possibility of surviving a proxy detonation, but a well aimed missile usually results in a kill in my testing.
    The AI kind of sucks at knowing when to launch a missile, especially in close range, so they do miss or get proxy detonations on the player more often.

    1.5 years ago
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    49.0k EngieWeeb

    @ReinMcDeer Ugh, I know right?
    I love rotating my build to match the side view or top view...

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @ReinMcDeer The updated missile's has some inconsistencies of destroying the target, sometimes it destroys the target and sometimes it just damages the target, it may be due to the small warhead or the missile exploding early.

    1.5 years ago
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    96.9k ReinMcDeer

    @EngieWeeb I just used it for a rough idea of what the cockpit and CFT's should look like. With how innaccurate blueprints can be online, as long as I get the general feel and look right I'm happy
    What's even worse is when different views of the same blueprint don't align

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    49.0k EngieWeeb

    "...because the F-15C blueprints I have don't perfectly align with my F-15E blueprints..."
    I have never found two blueprints (that weren't just exact matches of one another) that perfectly aligned in any way, even when they represent the exact same model of airplane. It is the bane of my existence in this game

    1.5 years ago
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    Can you try making other types of aircrafts, like VTOL or something.

    1.5 years ago
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    I'm currently doing the exact opposite opposite lmao


    1.5 years ago
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    2,932 PriusCat

    yes finally, the F-15E strike eagle!

    1.5 years ago
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    Remake f-5c pls pls pls Skoshi Tiger need remake @ReinMcDeer

    1.5 years ago
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    5,555 ImAcarperson


    1.5 years ago
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    5,555 ImAcarperson

    Strike Eagle!!!!

    1.5 years ago
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    930 Gerbera


    1.5 years ago
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    T E A.

    1.5 years ago