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Fuel Systems Update Idea

426 AgentFox123  1.6 years ago

Hey, I noticed that in simpleplanes, there is no function for fuel system priority. In the current system, that is used in Simpleplanes, all fuel drains proportionally, for instance, a fuel tank in the wing at 60 gallons at 50 percent would be 30 gallons, and in the rated fuel, a fuel tank rated 10 gallons would be 5 gallons. While it does make sense for multi-engine aircraft, and it simplifies the balancing of the aircraft, I think it would be a lot more interesting to have a system in place where there are other options available, or have a fuel tank priority selector, or a combination of the two.
Basically, for all to be applied, it would resemble this.

Cockpit>Fuel Tank Operation>"Simple"/"Priority"/"Selector".>Functions below

Simple: The "Simple" option would be the same as the current fuel usage system.

Priority(EG): A compromise between "Selector" and "Simple", it would function almost identically to the "Simple" option, with one key difference being that fuel tanks with a number closer to "1" will drain first, so if those tanks, loaded with fuel, are dropped, no fuel would have been used in the wings, so the game would set the fuel consumption from the next in line.

Selector: Now compatible with the "Inside Job" update, it would be used to concentrate fuel consumption from a set "Tank group", or fuel tank, or from all at once, which would have a fuel tank selector switch, enabling those who know XML modding to go more realistic with aircraft designs

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    perhaps then it may be worth someone making a mod for it.

    1.5 years ago
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    @AgentFox123 don't ping them, also the guy before me is right, they aren't planning to update the game for some time

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    I think this sort of thing exists in J:NO (or SR2) now, and the devs aren't gonna update simpleplanes for a long period of time sad

    1.6 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison @WNP78 @weebabyseamus @HellFireKoder @PhilipTarpley @AndrewGarrison

    1.6 years ago