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2 seater question

45.1k rexzion  1.6 years ago

so i started making an ah-64a not too long ago and im about to build the cockpit, but i realised that i really have no idea how i will actually have gameplay for 2 crew as one player.

so i very kindly ask the simpleplanes community on how this feature will be implemented .

here is a picture of the helo !!!


now what do the 2 guys do in the ah-64??????

the pilot : he is the one in the back and he flies the helicopter 99.9% of the time. he can fire all weapons but usually just gives permission for the gunner to fire

the gunner : he is in the front and is responsible for targeting and shooting, specifically responsible for lasing targets with the AGM-114 hellfire missiles

thats really nice wow and cool but obviously you cannot be 2 people at the same time so i have 2 solutions to this issue

(1) shrimple solution : the helicopter is operated entirely from the pilot (flying, shooting, lasing, targeting) and the gunner has no cockpit and no camera

(2) ummm uhh um solution : both crew have modeled cockpits but the hellfires can only be targeted and fired by the gunner

i will note than both crew have an IHADSS (i forgot what it means but it's a HUD eyepiece that follows your head and can be used as a regular HUD and to target the 30mm cannon)

cool pishure for those with mini attention span

solution 1 is better in terms of part count and gameplay, but 2 is better for fidelity and stuff (more par)

i just dont really know which one you guys would want, you could also just describe your own method if mine SUck


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    @rexzion oh so # is dos

    1.6 years ago
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    45.1k rexzion

    @MrSilverWolf it means f### !!!!!!!! dont say that M<RISILVERWOLFE your a modereter!

    1.6 years ago
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    @rexzion is dos a bad word?!?!!!!!!

    1.6 years ago
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    Which if thats the case rexin please do not stab the helis our of rage, that not very nice and you can be charged with first degree attempted murder! 😱🤯

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    @Dllama4 he tried stabbing it after getting angry at connection issues or flight model problems, probably

    1.6 years ago
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    77.0k 2Papi2Chulo

    I know mine is a D model and I didn't implement IHADSS but it has decent playability in my opinion. Both seats have the ability to fly but I have the pilot seat flight performance displays and the gunner weapons displays. Both seats have full capability for combat and flying, but the front and rear have their respective optimization.

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    45.1k rexzion

    @TheCommentaryGuy what

    1.6 years ago
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    make the display have an ability to import images in it

    1.6 years ago
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    45.1k rexzion

    @Kangy ok my two little things:
    numero uno: i will break your kneecaps if you say that again
    numero dos: um yeah i guess yeah i supose

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    38.2k V

    2 but give the player cockpit controls so they don't lose control of the aircraft while gunning

    1.6 years ago
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    17.4k Kangy

    ok my two little things:
    numero uno: IHADSS is Integrated Helmet And Display Sighting System, (you speld it wrog rexagon!!!)
    numero dos: i think your 2st option is good, if you scrape the bottom of the barrel you could make a funky tree gunner i guess
    i would make it so you can fly from the pilot seat rather than split into two but that's becaus im stipdufd an NOT helisopter

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    Why is there a stick above the main rotor blades, Rexzion? Awful.

    1.6 years ago
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    141k BaconEggs

    @MrSilverWolf agim 114 r9x (with sord) stab u

    1.6 years ago
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    Nooooo Rexzion committing war crimes now noooo

    +7 1.6 years ago