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Projects Sitrep 08/22/2023

97.5k ReinMcDeer  1.6 years ago

F-15E Strike Eagle

The main body is pretty much done, so I've started working on the loadouts.

2x AIM-120C, 2x Drop tank, 2x AIM-9M, 5x GBU-12, 6x Mk82, 1x AN/AAQ-13, 1x AN/AAQ-28(V) (651 parts)

2x AIM-120C, 2x Drop tank, 2x AIM-9M, 3x GBU-38, 2x GBU-12, 1x AN/AAQ-13, 1x AN/AAQ-28(V), 1x GBU-31 (573 parts)

2x AIM-120C, 5x GBU-31, 2x AIM-9M, 1x AN/AAQ-28(V) (599 parts)

The GBU-31 is a new custom weapon that will be released with the F-15E. It's essentially a 2000 lb Mk84 fitted with a Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) guidance kit. They come in at 11 parts each.

I also did a little bit of part reduction on the existing GBU-12, reducing the part count from 28 to 23.

Gray Viper / F-16C Viper -Have Glass V-

Have Glass 5th Generation Paint, or "Have Glass V," is the new generation of paint scheme for the F-16 Viper. It bears resemblance to the F-35's paint scheme and helps reduce the radar cross section of the F-16. Currently, it is beginning to be used by some Air National Guard units and the Royal Danish Air Force.

Since this represents the latest developments of the F-16, I decided it was also a good enough excuse to give it the AIM-9X, which has high off-boresight capability.

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    97.5k ReinMcDeer

    @Eeeeeeeeeeeeee I just looked this up and now I'm adding it.
    Learn something new everyday

    1.6 years ago
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    Hope you give the AIM-9Xs ability to target ground targets

    1.6 years ago
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    3,075 ssenmodnar

    @ReinMcDeer I think an f-111 aardvark would work really well with your build style and be a really good way to implement your vast knowledge of funkiness trees

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    97.5k ReinMcDeer

    @PriusCat I found out about Have Glass V on accident when looking for paint schemes for my first F-16 years ago
    I suddenly remembered it recently and thought it would be cool on the V5 Viper

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    2,957 PriusCat

    @ReinMcDeer That’s great to hear, I love seeing extra details on aircraft. Also I guess not much people know that the Have Glass V livery exists. After all I only found out about it because I was looking for the black F-16 Aggressor livery.

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    97.5k ReinMcDeer

    @PriusCat I was initially not going to since some pictures don't have them
    But since it looks a little plain, I decided to start working on it

    Also, I was looking to see if anyone else made a Have Glass Viper but all I got was people asking about actual glass :/

    1.6 years ago
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    2,957 PriusCat

    Lol, I’ve already made myself an F-16 Have Glass quite a bit ago. Good to know you’re making an official one, and with the Aim-9X none the less. I’m wondering though, are you gunna add that fuselage line on the back of the plane? Or is it just a re-color?

    1.6 years ago
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    Im kinda worried for the part count on some loadouts for the f-15E. Also T

    1.6 years ago
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    5,600 ImAcarperson


    1.6 years ago
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    930 Gerbera

    T for the SE

    1.6 years ago
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    97.5k ReinMcDeer

    @ShinyGemsBro It has both JDAM's (GBU-38/31) and LGB's (GBU-12)
    The first and second loadout here have both, but I've also seen pictures of F-15E's with 4x GBU-12's on the front hardpoints so I might do that as well

    1.6 years ago
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    52.6k ShinyGemsBro

    Will the Strike Eagle be strictly JDAM-armed for ground attack or are you gonna make one with LGBs too

    1.6 years ago
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    97.5k ReinMcDeer

    @TheCommentaryGuy It's based on this but the blueprint may be bit off

    1.6 years ago
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    why is the 9x frontal fins massive?

    1.6 years ago
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    Please remake F-5c Skoshi Tiger

    +1 1.6 years ago