The server owner has a constantly updated website that lists the main server IP address and the server status.
The website can be found here:
There seems to be some confusion about the main MP server, so I'll fix that here.
28.0k TheFlightGuySP
1.5 years ago
there seems to be problems with a DDos attack with it, so its down right now
I didn't know you made one ive never seen it before
@Beardymcbeard I've actually made a couple of them, though they were just modified versions of other aircraft.
I might make an aerobatic plane in the future which acts similarly.
As for designations, I haven't made anything past I200. I300 might not be for a long time since I've been redesigning all of my outdated stuff for a while now.
And if you do make it you should name it project L900
Hey have you ever thought of making a thrust vectoring prop plane
Why i didn't respond i had to go to my uncle chris wedding
@Beardymcbeard I'm currently focused on a map plugin. I'll likely start working on another aircraft project after it's released.
When are you gonna. Ake new and really cool planes like the I200
finally a working mp server ip
This should be pinned in the forums
ooh ooh ooh seventh comment where;s all my coombunity rezpect an stuf?
if only i had my laptop
I haven't been on mp in a while, thanks!
third comment (im so fast guyse give me internet points)
Second comment (really fast person here)
First comment.
Also thanks for confirming the new server IP