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The Next "Stalking" Series

133k KSB24  1.5 years ago

I mean not the car, but the agent standing beside the car.
By using variable setter, You can Allow or not she Attacking you with her gun.

But i don't know exactly when the AI is using its guns. So it could be weird.

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    133k KSB24

    @Dracul0Anderson there are simple in common things when i made ai things, To make them heading to the Direction where we are, i use a code sin(TargetHeading-Heading).
    And.. to make them move to the distance where we are, i use a code. but if that Ai is a Car, i use a code very complicated.(and even myself are not understand the way how i disassemble the code) but the Stalking Agent hasn't so complicated codes like that. If you open&disassemble the the codes written in variable setter, You may can find the simple hint there how i make'em follow behind us.(i hope my English-speaking was correct.)

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    How do you make those stalking vehicles. I'm genuinely curious, the concept sounds very interesting(plus I'm wanting to explain my FT knowledge).

    1.5 years ago
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    31.5k TunderTunder

    SP GarrisMod now?

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    Me going into reverse:

    1.5 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    This Female Agents Don't Scare Me, IM IN A TANK!!!!

    +2 1.5 years ago
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    The Boom 50:

    +1 1.5 years ago