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Peregrine Modder Requested

6,955 Wahoo12  9.1 years ago

So, I want to start by saying that "Hiring" posts are kinda annoying. However, I'm just asking for someone to XML mod for me.
Basically, whoever applies will have a chance to become the company modder. XVI has done this (I believe) and I have worked closely with XVIIndustries before- the strategy of having a designated modder helps (although XVIIndustries might agree that it helps when the designated modder is available- cough cough Vbomber Project cough)
All you need to do is apply below. I will chose my favorite based on his/her posts and comments. Good luck!

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    6,955 Wahoo12

    @dsr1aviation Uhh well I cant exactly use any drawing stuff right now and they dont exist yet... If you think you can make them anyways then go ahead, but if not then I'll do my best.

    9.1 years ago
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    8,434 dsr1aviation

    Can u give me links to the decals?

    9.1 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    If you could make a few decals that say
    1. A-1 (2x2 blocks)
    2. A-2 (2x2 blocks)
    3. A-3 (2X2 blocks)
    4. KINGBIRD (Size of Three-four blocks and 1-1.5 tall)
    5. CAVALIER (size of two-three blocks long and .5-1 tall)
    6. Seitwälder Republic Air Force (however many needed long and 1 tall)
    7. SRAF (three by three blocks)
    8. An orange circle (1x1) with a blue sword through it
    Hopefully I will be able to use SP by the time you finish. Besides, there's no strict deadline and you dont need to check the site daily unless you want to

    9.1 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    @dsr1aviation Well, that was quick. Alright, seems like youre the best out of (many) applicants!

    9.1 years ago
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    8,434 dsr1aviation

    I could do most things and check the site daily. Whats first?

    9.1 years ago