So, about a year after making my first train is decided to make another one, but this one being a little closer to home. The Pennsylvania Railroad class B4a has one surviving example, the number 643 run by the Williams Grove Railroad. Last weekend was what we call the grangers, and is a week long festival of sorts where they bring out all they're steam tractors, theres a big auction, and they run the train. Unfortunately i wasn't able to go but I hope one of these years i can. Hopefully will upload soon, but going on vacation next week so may not have to much time.
643! 643!
@INeedANewName @DatMaluchGuy19 @Cereal
Offical teaser post. Here so i can easily get yall on the final.
@PapaKernels ask @32 if you wanted to test this thing out.
@DatTrainGuy19 i have no idea honestly 😂
@PapaKernels is he even active anymore? atleast, on discord, his sp account is completely inactive.
@MRM19 tbh kinda forgot about it 😂. I have some technical bugs to sort out and then i gotta get scratch to help make it work on this railway map
@PapaKernels Any updates on this? I’m looking forward to seeing it done!