(Yes, I know I make a lot of forum posts. Bite me.)
So I was looking through some older posts (such as the famous P-51D-30 or Corsair, and I realized something:
This website isn't young anymore.
Hell, the Corsair was posted over 9 years ago!
There are people on this website, legally or not, who are younger than it.
If you go on the Corsair's comments, which no longer work (presumably because there were too many, but what do I know?), the final posts were people "praising fossil" 7.2 or so years ago, when it was less than 2 years old.
If you've perhaps interacted with me, or have been creepily following me around, recently, you may have noticed that I have a tendency to "brag" about my account age (5.5 years 😎 coolguyz only amirite???).
On the older side, yes, but there are who knows how many people who popped up, gained some level of notoriety, and then left a year or more before I even started playing SimplePlanes, whenever that was.
Also, as I frequently bring up, there are a lot of fast-climbing people reaching gold or even platinum in a few months or years.
So, having said that, I had an idea:
A Timeline.
A timeline of major/historic posts and users joining (or, as if often applicable, leaving forever).
I believe the creator of the famous P-51D-30 last commented like 19-20 days ago (would have to check, though).
Also, sometimes people suddenly come back from hiatuses (Like the creator of the P-51D-10 man they are a good example).
Saw someone earlier today who a few years back came back from a 6 or so year long hiatus and started posting again.
I think it'd be neat to visualize these stretches of time.
Not saying I'll do it, but it's in my mind.
What do you think?
@Majakalona Exactly.
When commenting on the Corsair I just get an error message
Okay Imma be honest I think I'm too lazy for this lol.
Someone else steal this idea!
@V aeh ok
@V More drama!
(And that makes 2 players with single-character usernames…)
@5 wii didn't have his acc deleted, he was banned.
@5 I've had long hiatuses.
So... no.
@Graingy if you really been active here for 5 years you ought to have heard of them, they caused a bit of drama relating somewhat to the points system (criticizing the popularity of the german corsair, for example)
Eventually though they moved on from SP, idk where ren is now but ik wii deleted his account and focused on other things
@5 Who's that?
@Graingy dont forget knightofren and wiimini
By timeline I mean like an actual craft with text labels and hwatnot