Will someone be willing to mod a block that lightens weight or provide me with a link to one? I'm making a plane atm that shouldn't weigh almost 6000 pounds for it's type and I wan't to make it as efficient as possible. :)
Will someone be willing to mod a block that lightens weight or provide me with a link to one? I'm making a plane atm that shouldn't weigh almost 6000 pounds for it's type and I wan't to make it as efficient as possible. :)
I can't get links that you click and it opens @MediocrePlanes
Here's my 3rd attempt on click open links{http://www.simpleplanes.com/a/DpPi57/Modded-parts-for-your-planes }
http://www.simpleplanes.com/a/DpPi57/Modded-parts-for-your-planes -10000 lb unbreakable wings fuel 99 gal
@DeezDucks One sec, check steam scrub :P
@MediocrePlanes What should I be looking for?
@MediocrePlanes KK :)
The front-most side panels on my fletcher contains tons of them! They reduce a good amount each but enough to fine tune your balance. (the flying Takao Hybrid contains some too)
Them that grammar tho...