I'd laugh if it was a bot or it's a random person who's built multiple crafts and then in 1 more year from now they're going to flood this website with all their builds from 10 years ago!
@Majakalona @Lipoly is the first account without bugs and in simple-planes (I had to do that - thingy cause my autocorrect😫😩) anyway boxglow is the first account with bugs so ye
@Lipoly is the first one.
@Graingy I just realized your comment makes no sense
@SPTNR damn 10 years
@Graingy 💀
Just realized that comment makes no sense
@Graingy idk
Whatever that means okay
Doesn’t the user to age work through points?
@Graingy found him by just spamming numbers of pages and not using the arrows
I'd laugh if it was a bot or it's a random person who's built multiple crafts and then in 1 more year from now they're going to flood this website with all their builds from 10 years ago!
How'd you even find them?
@WaterFlavouredSpitfires Wow.
Someone made an account years and year ago, then never did a single thing ever.
@Majakalona @Lipoly is the first account without bugs and in simple-planes (I had to do that - thingy cause my autocorrect😫😩) anyway boxglow is the first account with bugs so ye
@Lipoly is the first one.
its actually @Boxglow as he has crafts from 9.1 years ago
(dont mind his account being 8.9 years old)