Image embed works at 100 points+
! [] (image link) Remove the spaces.
To add custom thumbnails:
take a picture of your craft in flight, go back into the editor and open up the blueprints option, select the picture you want for your thumbnail and select side view, and then use the 4 arrows icon to move it up and zoom into the image. then click share craft and select take pictures, and take a picture of the blueprint with the image.
will add other stuff as i think of it
You are saving the world with this information
@Graingy yeah, custom thumbnails are pretty easy once you know the method. works on IOS if you take a screenshot (power button + home button or power button + volume button i think)
check my profile and you can see what they usually look like
Y'know I would have LOVED to know most of this 5.5 years ago.
Alas, I am dumb and now I only know it now.
Now now for the custom thumbnail stuff. Might have to try that...