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Problems with landing gears

66 MAIenjoyer  1.4 years ago

I have no idea why tire of my landing gear is leaning over

Also I don't know how to put here some images))

And please please forgive me I can make a lot of mistakes because english is not my native language

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    38.3k Graingy

    Hopefully you can figure out your landing gear problem!
    I’ve no idea how many projects I’ve abandoned cause the game didn’t want them to work…

    1.4 years ago
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    @Graingy Thank you!!!

    1.4 years ago
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    38.3k Graingy

    Hyperlink example
    (It's my old profile picture from before I made my custom one. Which was... embarrassingly recently considering how old my account is)

    1.4 years ago
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    38.3k Graingy

    While I don't know what you're referring to, you can upload images by first uploading it to Gravatar (you have a custom profile picture, so that should already be taken care of), copying the image link, then, in your post, putting it between the parenthesis in this:
    ![Words that don't mean anything cuz picture](Image link goes here)
    However I think you have to be above 100 points to do that...
    Inserting hyperlinks is the same, just without the exclamation point. Don't know if there's a point requirement for hyperlinks.
    Fail that, you could just post the link itself to people to copy-past into their browser.

    1.4 years ago