This is a block that weighs 99,999,999,999,999,997,748,809,823,456,034,029,568 pounds and see if you can complete this challenge here! (
This is a block that weighs 99,999,999,999,999,997,748,809,823,456,034,029,568 pounds and see if you can complete this challenge here! (
@G2 do it then
literally any problem can be solved with ejectforce = 99999999999999999999999999
It’s even in authentic Soviet red!
@Graingy yes
Good choice, comrade.
@Graingy commie
Either become oligarch or become commie
Two choices
@Graingy bruhhhh
Pootin tiem
@Graingy wait no I'm not ready for that
U oligarch now 😎
@Graingy hmmm,?
-igarchy made today
@Graingy ol
Okay I'll send on a return trajectory back to Earth.
Catching it is on you.
@Graingy yea
Idk $3 CAD enough?
@Graingy yes please
Uhhh... Oops...
Sorry, I'll, uh, reimburse you for that liver...
@Graingy aggghh
Unreasonable definitions?
鋭い歯のエイリアンの攻撃! [Sharp-Tooth Alien Attack!]
@Graingy dammmmm
Still plane tho.
Also Kindness agrees with me so you're outvoted lmao
@Graingy yes it was a high speed test aircraft
@NAGO And it had wings with control surfaces.
Also This.