While i had my Regular Progress and Custom Locations They ceased 6 Days after the update
Could the Beta be the reason of so many Problems recently?
9,737 WaterFlavouredSpitfires
1.4 years ago
While i had my Regular Progress and Custom Locations They ceased 6 Days after the update
Active today are We? Maluch and 32?
@DatMaluchGuy19 I do play on iOS and I haven't noticed any problems, I do have a fairly recent phone though.
@32 im an android user, hes an ios user, since he's on ios, that could be the reason as to why alarming issues happened to him.
We're not even in the beta anymore, the game's just buggy now lol
@TheFlightGuySP strange... It doesn't happen to me... Weird...
I'd recommend switching back to 1.12.128 if possible, at least until things get patched.