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Hi can you sign this petition I found?

3,835 ches  9 months ago
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    Hell yeah!

    8 months ago
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    13.8k Randomplayer

    @servedWithaSliceofCHEESE I did and it works now, 3 other poeple singed it!!!

    9 months ago
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    3,835 ches

    @Randomplayer Make sure it’s the one you signed it

    9 months ago
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    3,835 ches

    @Randomplayer go to email to comfirm

    9 months ago
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    13.8k Randomplayer

    @servedWithaSliceofCHEESE nvm

    9 months ago
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    13.8k Randomplayer

    @servedWithaSliceofCHEESE Yw, but for some reason it doesn’t show I signed it :(

    9 months ago
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    3,835 ches

    Thks dude

    9 months ago
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    13.8k Randomplayer

    Second signed😎

    9 months ago