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iOS Missile Training NOT WORKING!

38 DeadArtist617  9.1 years ago

How to beat missile training iOS 1.3.6, is on last paragraph and bottom of post.

If you have the update for simpleplanes on iOS you might notice Missile training not working for you, I'll explain. If it is working fine GREAT! But for me and my brother, it isn't. My brother, @canofbeans, got into the beta and noticed it too. But don't worry! I found a way to beat it, it's really simple.

So the problem I'm pointing out is that when you go to Missile Training on iOS version 1.3.6 (Jan 20, 2016 update) you notice when you get passed the second or first drone destruction your enemy just doesn't show up. (It is there don't worry the lock on ability is just gone). Now since its missile training you gotta use missiles, and unless you are some hardcore aim person and manually launch them yourself and hit everything you are gonna want to use a lock on. Basically what's happening, (what I think) is that the game doesn't give you your next target unless you are on the correct attack, (Air-Gnd or Air-Air).

So here is how to do it, first you are gonna want to have your choice of missile AND a fire and forget, second you need to locate your target and see if there is another drone with it (grey box drone). If you can see another drone great you can use a guardian or something, if not here is what you want to do; Get a fire and forget missile, lock on, fire. Now here is the tricky part, as it's heading toward your target you wanna switch to air to ground weaponry, if you don't your next target won't show up. Make sure you don't switch back to air to air before it hits, otherwise it might now work. Do the same with your tank, when launching the inferno switch back to air to air. After your first tank is down I'm pretty sure you're safe, I never had to switch back after destroying it. Also if you have more then one drone do what ever you want with the first one, but the second one use a fire and forget and do the steps I said.

Quick overview!
Missile glitch for iOS 1.3.6 How-To-Beat
Fire and forget air to air

Fire and forget air to ground

If there is more then one visible drone take out first.
If there is one drone/one drone left, Use air to air missile lock, launch, then quickly switch to air to ground.
Take out ground target same way, use fire forget, lock, launch, switch to air to air before it hits.
After you take out the tank you don't have to take out any more before being able to win.

Thanks for reading, hope I could help!