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Saitek is working better but there are still issues (PC)

12.9k poenix  9.1 years ago

Sorry about posting on this so mutch but as it seems

  1. The saitek throttle is not registering properly it's either 0 or 100%
    And that's not good for fast jets

2.the game seems to be messing with my saitek profile causing scrambled profile display when using X52 pro joystick whitch is strange because it should not be messing with the display at all

It's seams to be that a small but nessesary fix is needed knowing that a lot of controler users use saitek products

Just a guess but mabe the saitek sight may hold a idea of how these controllers work or mabe a saitek plugin for the game may be nessesary

Saitek plugin perks

.1 makes controllers Easyer to use

.2 for controllers capable of using a DISPLAY allows showing of I game speed

.3 allows profiles for controler mapping

And some other thing if I remember corectly

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    12.9k poenix

    @nathanmikeska if you don't mind could you check out one of my ideas posts I think it holds some good ideas for a fast update like gunsight option for cameras

    9.0 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    Ok it seems that it's all working THANK YOU FOR YOURE PAITIENCE!!!!

    9.0 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    I'm at ok now that the improper response is fixed I've discovered another issue •so now when I assighn the throttle I'd do the usual zero and full movement but here's the problem it's not asighning it! and what's wearder is that it is detecting the movement on the axis in Calabraition but it's not asighning it to throttle.

    9.0 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    I think the bug of the throttle not asighning should be a lot Easyer and faster to fix than the other one thank you for you're patience

    9.1 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    It seems to be fixed but I hate to say this reely I do but it seems it's not allowing to assign the throttle axis

    9.1 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    I'll go again and check it out

    9.1 years ago
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    @poenix We just released an update to the game. It might help with your joystick issue. Once you get the update, go to the controls page and click on the 'Advanced' button to bring up advanced settings. Uncheck 'Use DirectInput' then click done. Restart the game and give your controller another shot. Does that help?

    9.1 years ago
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    Unfortunately, I'm not sure why it isn't working. There is a small change to the input system that I intend to implement sometime in the next few weeks that may possibly help, but its hard to say.

    9.1 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    Game controllers seems to say the throttle it working fine but I haven't used it in another game yet I'll get to it as soon as I can

    9.1 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    I'm testing it in game controllers and other games to make sure it's not the controler

    9.1 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    And the blue arrow is doing the same thing poping between two places

    9.1 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    And it isn't smooth when it transitions theirs no Inbetween

    9.1 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    And thanks for youre patients with this no one said fixing glitches was easy nor fast

    9.1 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    I find it strange to and I did evry thing properly it's the throttle is switching between two positions blue at -1 wight at 1 and newtral and to justify I'm using a X52 Pro with proflight pedals

    9.1 years ago
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    Here is an image of my calibration menu for a different joystick:


    When you calibrate yours, do you see a 'Throttle' Axis on the left? If so, click that button, then try moving the throttle slider up and down. You should see the white and blue arrows move around in the image on the top right. The blue arrow should represent the raw value of the axis and the white arrow should represent the calibrated value in Simple Planes. From the sounds of it, I'm guessing your white arrow is popping from 0 to 1 without hitting anything in between. What about the blue arrow? Is the raw value popping from 0 to 1 or does it smoothing transition from -1 to 1 when moving the slider?


    Not sure what is going on with your profile... not sure how/why the game would be interfering with it.

    9.1 years ago
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    12.9k poenix

    @nathanmikeska yes I have it's not registering corectly it's runing 0 or 100% and for some controls like this aren't registering the full range

    And I still can't figure out what's causing this profile bug it messes with my displayed profile so here's the senecio it will flicker without warning (rare) and it supost to say PHOENIX after a wile it wil give a bugged profile like P:;O#N::

    9.1 years ago
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    Have you tried calibrating the throttle in the game's control settings menu?

    9.1 years ago