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272 Bray47  1.4 years ago

This just in, We have seen an arsenal bird get sit down by 2-3 Surface to Air Missiles, We don't know how the arsenal bird didn't acknowledge that they existed out of a barrage of 24 S.A.M.s total. maybe the missiles had stealth capabilities, more specifically were they completely invisible?

Images taken from a wandering drone...

The S.A.M. Site was later hit by a guided bomb on a Craftian Prop Fighter.

The site was Discovered to be Mindian.

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    272 Bray47

    One week later the SAM site was located. The SAM site was what we call a super site and had a maximum capacity of 108 missiles and could launch countermeasures It wasn't destroyed until 1 week later. When Craftian forces deployed a special kind of guided bomb and took out it's control center. The Site was placed by Mindians for their were watermarks found on the missiles (fragments of missiles) that read "Minduna".

    1.4 years ago