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Do 335 B6 Nachtjäger Teaser

2,334 Al3x321  1.4 years ago

Final teaser. I will post the aircraft on Saturday.

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Radar operator
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Based off
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  1. Working radar station
  2. Detailed cockpit interiors
  3. Fully retractable and telescopic landing gear
  4. Bomb bay
  5. Functional and independent ejection systems
  6. Openable Canopy
  7. Realistically functioning radiators
  8. Independent oxygen system
  9. Working drop tanks
  10. Stopwatch

So the aircraft is finished and fully functional, unfortunately this is all I can offer for a camo scheme as the parts count just keeps getting higher and higher. Hopefully it’s performance and features make up for that fact. :)
T for tags:))