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T-12xA Updt

1,297 Vetrillum  1.3 years ago

T-120A project

Thanks to those who upvoted on T-120F! This will definitely motivate me to make the T-12xX project even better every update.

What other features would y'all like to see in the T-120A?

You can recommend anything really, however, I must warn you that I am not that good at FunkyTrees.

Fill up the list and the features you recommend that is within my capacity (Orrrr... you can give some ways the feature can be implemented) may be present in the next T-120A project.

Don't be sad if your feature won't appear in the next update tho, your next hope will be the final T-120A update.

Oh, by the way, here are some of the planned features for the next update:
- Rear LandingGear revamp
- Cockpit
- New warning lights
- "Brakes" lever
- New Interface
- Much more
- Custom canopy
- ...and much more...

P.S., This update may take a while 'cos I'm sick (also explains terrible grammar here)
P.P.S., Oh yeah, and school

Keep flyin', Strider.

TrTa Aviation, Gorgire Air Force

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