i'm working on a system on my 727 that will make the outboard spoilers on each wing to deploy when the plane rolls and the variables i used are as follows.....
srolla1 (for left wing outboard spoiler)Roll(star)TAS<107(star)AltitudeAgl>1200(star)RollAngle>1
srolla2 (for right wing outboard spoiler)Roll(star)TAS<107(star)AltitudeAgl>1200(star)RollAngle<-1
But its not working, how do i fix it? (the spoilers are not rotators but rather air brakes)
thx for the code :)
Simple, do it the stock way and use something like...
@CrazyCatZe Thank you
for a quick fix use clamp01() whenever you have a Boolean (instead of a>bc>d do clamp01(a>b)clamp01(c>d).....)