Challange can be seen here
Dont Use Fuselages
It may be tedious to place blocks over and over again but just listen.
Make a jumble of blocks
Like This
Have it as a Subasembeliy
Like this
Name doesnt have to be like that, it can be your choice
then copy it multiple times
i changed the flight computer to a cockpit block and added 2 more layers
after that build the rest, and maybe replace the edges with angled blocks
with my build i made it a 4 engine "Propliner" with 2 engines on each "Engine Holder" and it has lots of gear
you dont have to copy the directions of how to make this exact plane, just make sure to remember to NOT USE FUSELAGES!
Image is clickable
About the Block Challange
52.4k apollo12airlockfaliure
1.3 years ago