Do you hear a rocket?
Your telling me it's a missile?
Air to surface or air to air?
(Image taken)
Sum info
Taken on asmuden ground station in Juno
The missile is a ALARM Missile (Air to surface)
Made cause iwoa cat started usage as my Gravatar 9 days ago
I will upload the Alarm Missile (by itself) and the craft used for the Gravatar
Thank you! I forgot who you were last ggravatar
@Majakalona i was dupposed to be a gag where apon the eve of saying the picture you call a "gravatar", of little beauty, a suface to air missle was to stand at a distance apon hearing the latter lines, launching one of its projectiles at my locations as i screamed for mercy
TL:DR: it was a joke
@TheOfficalMarylander what do you mean
I just noticed the new one, it is really ug-wait no dont fire NO-