Alrighty, looking for ideas and I've got some big ones. Which one of these would you like to see me make?
1. Megatank
The biggest tank you've ever seen. Capable of launching smaller (but still massive) tanks from it. Wondering how big it would be?
That's the minitank above. Yeah the big version would be big enough to carry probably 2-3 of those, and It would probably be wider than the Wright Runway.
Also, it's in a SILVERPANZER/Strucker style, so that's cool.
2. Airship with soul-crushing part count
So I really love stuff like this and I've always thought it would be cool to make one myself. Considering how long my 200 part SUV took to make (and I didn't even do the suspension), this build would have a turnaround that would be several months long.
3. Clean fighter with custom wings
This is probably what I would be best at, something sorta like this. That's the most realistic but possibly the most boring on the list.
Let me know what you think I should make.
ps all of these would incorporate funky trees and other stuff so they have at least some semblance of fully functioning, fun and playable vehicles.
What Should I Build?
30.0k 32
1.1 years ago
@V oh no it would only be a few thousand at the most. I'm not going to try and top the Yamato...
Define soul crushing part count, I need to know if I need to start work on my next part count record
@32 Make A Lada
Try to make an M1 Abrams
Idk but I do plan on making pixel art of your Gravatar one day or another
@32 ok
@Transair56 I have messed around with airliners and as it turns out I just suck at making them lol
They're a lot of parts and no matter what airliner I make, someone has made a better version of it than me.
@Eggplant oh that thing is atrocious lol
airship kinda like this goofy ahh thing
@SILVERPANZER I suspected that would be your vote lol
@ToeTips that's the truth, you worked with me on the 4Runner so you know what I'm talking about lol
A fighter wont be boring if you add a little spice to it.
Also if you make that type of ship, you will probably never release it.
Build The Boeing 797 and Boeing 808
Airship and clean fighter sounds cool! Although airship sounds better