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Redirecting from an old build...

409 JosephT  1.3 years ago

so if you are planning on making improvements to a build, there is an option to redirect people to the latest version. this can be done by clicking the arrow that points down next to the # of downloads and selecting that opting but what you will need to enter in the field is a certain combination of numbers and or letters do here is an example of that

so you see this link,

the name is at the end and then a random selection of letters just before it,


this is what you enter in that field, so then other users can see the updated version of your build when they click on it.

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    409 JosephT

    @ShinyGemsBro you could do that, but there are some features people never knew existed so now if they want to they have another source to know how. i couldn't find this a few years ago

    1.3 years ago
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    51.5k ShinyGemsBro

    Or you can just update XML and notify people that you did

    1.3 years ago