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T-3000 prop hub doesnt have a inside

50.3k Majakalona  10 months ago

no backside
rats trying to get inside

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    27.3k 126

    Im Not Mad, Because You Don't Get To Usually See The Back Anyway.

    +2 10 months ago
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    34.4k Graingy

    @Randomplayer true words
    Jet engines are just
    “Little one”
    “Big one”
    Nobody uses the other ones in high-quality builds anymore cuz overload.

    +2 10 months ago
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    50.3k Majakalona

    @Randomplayer you just looked in the connections you silly little goober

    10 months ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    Ok, but who calls it by there real name.
    T3000 is turbo prop
    T2000 is ww2 propeller
    T1000 is propeller.

    Interesting though.

    +1 10 months ago