@Randomplayer oh yeah and also
I make daily plane
And you got most of your funding from the block challange
It's got 8 more upvotes than the SpongeBob walker I made
But it's. A challenge, not a plane
So that wouldn't really count as it's just a clever challange
The ME-262, the fuselage isn't symmetric, there's something wrong i see there
The SpongeBob walker with gun, just a militarized version of spelunking bob, still pretty nice
@Randomplayer oh yeah and also
I make daily plane
And you got most of your funding from the block challange
It's got 8 more upvotes than the SpongeBob walker I made
But it's. A challenge, not a plane
So that wouldn't really count as it's just a clever challange
The ME-262, the fuselage isn't symmetric, there's something wrong i see there
The SpongeBob walker with gun, just a militarized version of spelunking bob, still pretty nice
You get a max of 3 per day iirc
@32 Some of them never posted a thing and just are there, such as @Freddyfazbear or @child
Buddy you follow 139 people
@TheCommentaryGuy But i m not following you so spooplight away!!!!!!!!!
@Majakalona “SOMEHOW”
@ToeTips I didn't click the spooplights
You only see spotlights once and you said its 4 planes and you got 17 pings from those 4
I'm no scientist but the math aint mathing
@Randomplayer How? Your a weekly uploader, you upload every week
So how are you gonna get more points than a daily uploader?
I will SOMEHOW manage to get more points than you, THEN I will spotlight all your planes
Mmmmm no