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Auto target switching?

2 Failed101  1.2 years ago

I'm trying to make a AWACS plane and well, I want it to automatically switch between targets, the thing is that I want it to be toggleable, allowing for the user to manually pick a target, please note that I'm new to building in SP but not sp itself

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    @ShinyGemsBro alright, thanks for the info man, I'll continue on the build but I guess I'll leave that out then

    1.2 years ago
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    50.3k ShinyGemsBro

    That already happens once a selected target gets taken down or despawns.
    If you specifically mean for your AWACS aircraft to.. let's say automatically track the nearest or furthest target, or in a distance that's in between, then I haven't seen a build that does that. Not yet anyway. Since from my guesses, target tracking is completely manual as it's most likely hardcoded into the game itself.

    1.2 years ago
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    27.4k ToeTips

    Depends on the language and FT is pretty limited in what it's able to do.

    1.2 years ago
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    @ToeTips hopefully there is some way, through code anything is possible

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    27.4k ToeTips

    I dont really think its possible tbh.

    +2 1.2 years ago