@RepublicOfCursedPlanes no see y’all don’t understand that pickle BOMBED by my notification bin.
Check out my profile and see the upvotes sections on my craft.
See how pretty much every single one was upvoted by 32?
That was done in like 2 parts, one after another after another. It was a race to keep ahead and catch them before they reached the next craft.
@Majakalona I'm not
Certainly asserts dominance
It was actually kinda scary in a way
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes no see y’all don’t understand that pickle BOMBED by my notification bin.
Check out my profile and see the upvotes sections on my craft.
See how pretty much every single one was upvoted by 32?
That was done in like 2 parts, one after another after another. It was a race to keep ahead and catch them before they reached the next craft.
@Majakalona they just want enough points to upvote stuff
@Graingy Zaineman, in the next room:
Your copying this ya silly little goose arent you?
@Lionplayz Trust me you should fear 32.
That guy uses the upvote button with a vengeance.
There ya go!
@ToeTips I want to upvote some people